Wednesday, July 23, 2008

barker pass to donner pass

Hi all, this is Kate, Jeramy's sister.  I was able to join the thru-hikers this past weekend, completing about 30 miles of trail from Barker Pass (near Lake Tahoe) to Donner Pass after Jer & Serene had a break in Tahoe City.  While there, Jeramy developed four rolls of amazing photos, a few of which I've posted below.  More will likely be emailed or posted once J & S have internet access (probably in a few days, at Sierra City).  They haven't had much access to computers since the Sierras, but are doing very well and have avoided the destructive fires.  Unfortunately, about 100 miles of trail farther north are closed, so hikers are forced to hitch rides and skip ahead.  But I'll let them tell you about that when they have a chance.

For my part, this past weekend was really spectacular.  I headed to Tahoe with my cousins, quite unprepared for the hike I was hoping to squeeze in.  My school backpack was hardly big enough to hold my clothes and some fresh fruit for the hikers, so I planned to carry my big LL Bean sleeping bag in a cloth grocery bag as I hiked.  Luckily, I was lent a pack that included a spot for my sleeping bag, so Jer amended my name from "bag lady" to "the big purple" - and I made the trail register at Barker.  

We left Chris at about 9 on Sunday morning and began what would seem to be a race against time (an Amtrak bus at 12:35 the next afternoon, 30 miles and a ride into town away).  But the gentle (and sometimes not entirely gentle) climbs, arresting views as we walked for a time along ridges between the gorgeous mountains and lakes near Tahoe, and snippets of PCT: The Musical were well worth my now sore calves and aching shoulders.  

I was struck by the rapid shifts between ecosystems/terrain - in hours, we moved from valleys filled with Washington Lilies through forest trails that could have been in the Northeast, to sweeping slopes struck by the evening and then early morning sun beams that penetrated cumulus clouds.  Even the spotty rain showers that plagued us on Sunday evening couldn't dampen our spirits too much (though it was frustrating that every time I put on Jer's spare rainjacket - yet another article I'd neglected to bring - the rain stopped, and every time I took it off, drops fell...).   

Trail hospitality was graciously extended to me as well as my brother and Serena, and I am very grateful to Molly for the ride down to Old Truckee.  I beat my bus by 2 hours after powering through the last few miles on Monday morning, thanks in great part to Jer's fast pace.  I only wish I'd had more time to spend on the trail - time to better acquaint myself with the interesting hikers I encountered, to become used to the weight of my pack on my shoulders, the guitar by the campfire, the full moon above us as we slept, the comfortable silence, spectacular views, and the daily excitement of not knowing exactly what lies ahead. 

Anyone who has a weekend or a week should join these two.  They are encouraging, will ensure that your trip is successful, that you stay warm and dry, and if your experience is anything like mine, you'll come home refreshed and inspired.  I hope to be back out there with them at some point in August, if at all possible.  And if this summer doesn't work for you, let me know when does - I know I'll be back on the trail (hopefully completing the whole thing, either in sections or in one go) eventually.

be well,

**BIG THANKS to Salomon Sports for providing shoes for the trail for Jeramy & Serena!!**

1 comment:

jvaughan said...

hey jer, hope everything has gone smoothly since your last transmission. it was pretty cool to read that kate had made it out to stay with you for a little while. i got a bit of a laugh from her message. i am looking forward to more descriptions and photos, they make me wish i was seeing them myself. well...just wanted to say whats up and that im following your voyage, as it were.
-best of luck
just opened a fortune cookie for you and it says..."you will soon meet the person you admire" so, there you go. oh yeah- lucky #'s 3 4 16 18 44 45. peace, joe vaughan